It's that time of the year again. Just like last time, when I start a new flash I always release the previous one on Youtube. Same thing with my : "Inward Singing" You can rewatch it there if you care, lmao.
However this post is rather made for my third big animation. It'll be a parody of the brilliant underated game Earthbound. Original content, self written script and voiceacting by talented girls : > So no silly existing soundfile or existing jokes!
Here's an image like I'd used to post. And if you have questions ask away lol
Which girls?
Is Rina-Chan on the job?
That would be awesome. She's great.
Also, if you need a male voice actor, send me a PM.
Picture looks nice btw.
Stylish background. :D
Funny dude. :D
MichaFrario (Updated )
Well I posted auditions in the Voice actors club forums, Got one nicknamed Ellie and Sapphire.
No not Rina-chan. She's like in every flash on NG, it's starting to get repetitive. And she's so popular, it's INCREDIBLY hard to contact her :( How could I possibly contact her, i'm not even known. However she does a good job at her thing.
Well here the thread if you even feel bored and wanna give a try (kid voice though, lmao) : m/index.cgi?board=general&action=
display&thread=10299&page=1#12195 08441
and thankies C: !
Glad you like it